AOSH EU: Advanced Organization Europe. An advance organization in Denmark where high level counseling are delivered.

ABLE: a extension of Scientology Church  that promotes outside activities.

BPC: By Passed Charge. A big upset or uncomfortable feeling.

CCRD (Clear Certainty Rundown): a special counseling with the purpose to ascertain a specific spiritual state (Clear) achieved by Dianetic Counseling, where in all misemotions and bad past experiences related to self that have or were affecting the person, are now permanently removed.

CLEAR: a specific spiritual state  achieved by Dianetic Counseling, where in all misemotions and bad past experiences related to self that have or were affecting the person, are now permanently removed, leaving a rational happy being.

CMO: personnel of High Seniority and Rank

C/S: Case Supervisor.  the person that supervise counseling and make sure it is properly occurring.

DM: David Miscavige

EP: End Phenomena. A specific result obtain by counseling.

FBO: Flag Banking Officer. The executive responsible for the Financial Department in a Scientology Organization

FLAG: an advance place for advanced study and spiritual counseling of Scientology (now a place  where DM’s  squirrel tech is delivered.)

FPRD: False Purpose Rundown. A counseling designed to remove evil intentions.

FSO: Flag Service org. The higher organization in Clearwater, Florida.

HCO: Hubbard Communication Office. That section of the organization that handles Ethics and Communication lines.

HRD: Happiness Rundown. A rundown designed to address an ethical code of life.

KSW: Keeping Scietnology Working. A writing of Ron Hubbard which explains the importance of keeping his technology pure and lays out points to follow in order to assure that remains so.

IAS: International Association of Scientologist. An arbitrary money motivated organization founded by David Miscavige to fund his activities. Such organization violates the basic principles of Scientology.

MAA (Master at Arm): a term taken from the Naval terminology. This indicate the person in charge to keep, enforce and maintain ethic on the individuals to the benefit of both the individual and the group. The technology of ethic correctly applied brig about a better survival for both.

1.1: Covert Hostility. A behaviour which is only in appearance positive and survival but that hides behind a desire to control or destroy.

OEC: Organizational Executive Course. A course teaching the basic policy of organization for Executives.

OSA: Office of Special Affairs

OT VII: an advanced spiritual stated achieved through Solo auditing

PTS Type 2: Potential Trouble Source. A person considered unstable because continuously subjected to nullification or invalidation from someone on her/his environment. Type 2 means the person invalidating is not in the actual environment but in the past. Another in the present environment is reminding on the past person therefore creating instability.

RTC: Religious Technology Center. A senior Scientology organization controlled by David Miscavige. Own the copyrights of all LRH works and materials. At first its purpose was to protect the material from being counterfeited. Today under DM management this organization is altering materials and the standard technology of LRH.

SC: Sand Castle. The retreat place for high advance counseling.

SCN DRD: Scientology Drug Rundown. A counseling designed to address drugs and relief the person from their harmful effects.

WISE: an arbitrary organization with the original intent to promote LRH technology to businesses.

WUS: West US. To indicate a location.

2D; Second dynamic. Family and Children. The family unit.

SHSBC (Saint Hill Special Briefing Course): A very advance auditor course available to non staff. It is subdivided in 14 separate sections.

3D: Third Dynamic. A group, friends, people belonging to work or any other organized activity.

Valence: An assume identity. Behaving consciously or unconsciously like someone else.


  1. […] PLEASE NOTE: To Non-Scientologists: There is a glossary in my blog for basic words. Click here to visit. […]

  2. […] PLEASE NOTE: To Non-Scientologists: There is a glossary in my blog for basic words. Click here to visit. […]

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