The path of truth and the change of narrative

Once a spirit agrees to be bound by a body or even worse to be the body, agrees also to the narrative or what is call the program of the mind to him assigned, which produces “reality” without interruption. The mind offers solutions and formulas to give the sensation of causativity to a spiritual being, where causativity was completely lost by the being once he forgot and relinquished its infinite nature.

By infinite nature we mean his original state which does not belong to the illusion, and moreover cannot be understood or comprehended by a limite mind.

Like in the study of history there is something men seems to never learn and that is, no matter which formula he uses, history repeats. Like wise, no matter which formula the being used in the illusion to be cause, he cannot do anything else but to follow the flows and ebb of energy which he calls good and bad, joy and pain etc…

Meditating or any other form of spiritual improvement not supported by the being desire to know truth and reach total spiritual freedom brings about a state of solidity and closes the being in into the world of illusion where even spirituality is mastered and governed by the mind.

Enlightenment is nothing more than the regaining of perception of ones original state, outside this video game called: life. We do not know why or how come some of us have that little opening in the dark cage of unawareness, we only know some of us know something is not right and are moved and pulled by an indescribable force to seek truth and freedom not for the body or to feed the mind (ego) but just for the sake of it.

So, for people like us the world changes as we regain perception of our original state. As we leave the busy theater of life and we regain the seat in the audience, life seems to be getting smoother. In reality the mind as we detach from its game does not recharge from our power. The engine does not receive enough juice to keep going strong, to keep trapping us into the illusion. Therefore things seems going better. In truth nothing is going better. The impulse behind the game remains the same, but being detached by the interpretation of the mind with his little or enormous traps losing power, make it seems less dangerous.

Of course there is nothing dangerous in this game beside the fact that a being surrendered his power to the rules and codes of the program. That is the only real trap. So, searching a solution within the mind solutions would not end the game or would not open up the door of the prison. It would only continue the lies of a life, which in truth does not offer living at all.

The appearance of change, the apparent results or not results of it are, in fact, a trap. And when given our consent to those lies the trap becomes more and more solid. It needs our power and energy to keep going strong as it is.

The creation of goals, our human desires, the planning, dreaming of a different future or reality, and even the concept of God or infinite, when connected to a mind, traps an infinite being.

…And here we see how in this game truth is lies, joy is pain, and freedom is slavery.

Do you want to be free?

Remove the agreement and any desire to play. Simply leave the play, let it continue without your support…. One step at the time, guided by silence. No goals, no thinking, not like or not like…. Any judgment, feeling or explanation which is mind guided does not belong to you.

Now, ask yourself a question: What I’m not willing to let go?


What you do when you ask a question is letting the infinity in you take care of it, of what is needed. The mind does not know, it will never offer you effective solutions because it was created and built to keep you play, to feed the giant battery plant. You cannot do anything effective unless you let the mind out of the equation.

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