Who is waking up every morning?

As many of you might know I have been auditing myself

every single day for years.


At times it seems nothing is changing.

It has happened before, but just after that, the big surprise.


A bunch of other entities smashed together as a single unit... and how many GEs (genetic entities) are actually part of it? How many different entities are running the thetan's life? Who is the parasite? The thetan or the other entities?


One morning a woke up and there it was.

This body opened its eyes and had a long list of things to do.

OMG, It was not my list!!!!

None of the things that I was normally doing

were actually my own.

They were the order of the day of this GE.

What is really this GE?

Imagine a thinking program which has life on its own

and which is determined to survive through Mest (material universe)

and by the use of mest.

And a thetan (spirit), for some reason

is just stuck to it like a fly on a fly paper.


Who has to pick up the kids at school?

Who has to  pay the bills, find a husband,

have a great or not so great home?

Who has to brush its teeth or wear a nice dress

or have a new motorcycle?

The thetan?


But I always thought it was me.

I thought I had goals,

I thought I wanted to have or to be.

But that wasn’t me.


A thetan does not have Mest goals,

but can be in such a unconscoious and unaware state

to tag along as part of the Mest motion activity.

This to a point were he confuses itself with the other GE’s.


One by one, by solo auditing, the truth will unravel, the single beings will separate and leave... and every time, life will have a different meaning.


I was there in the vicinity of this body,

but this time, free from thinking that was my life.


So, if now I was able to separate from this GE, why I was till here?

Why I wasn’t able to move?

To go “home”?

There is more of 1 GE…

There are many to which

for some reason a thetan sticks.

It is only the beginning.

Some people ask me what you audit after OT7.

What they might not know is that OT7 is not completed

when all seem to go right.


It is completed when you start living OT7

and with or without e-meter you

 are able to perceive and differentiate,

you are able to spot the right ownership of things.


It is completed when you, automatically,

as knowingness, follow that thought to the right source

or recognize it for what it is.


To say:

“I’m finished with OT7 and now I do not use those data anymore”,

it is like to pull the plug and go back into the land of the dead.

My body wakes up every day in a paradise.


He is happy, he is loved and he is surrounded

by beautiful people and things.

Me,  I enjoy at times its happiness and the delightfulness

of a beautiful world in its different forms.


But I know I’m in a trap.



Nobody could take away the sadness connected to that

till the trap, melting down 

will let me enjoy the many beautiful things

as a free being.




“I said in my heart, “I am sick of four walls and a ceiling.

I have a need of the sky. I have business with the grass.”

Richard Hovey




and do what LRH wanted them to do:



The ‘Center of Advanced Spiritual Research and it’s Applications’ is NOW open in Texas and Italy.

We unite spiritual beings

while helping OT’s to live as OTs.




I’m a Class VI auditor, 2 Flag Internships  and an OT7+

and I’m auditing daily on the solo’s upper levels on the OT band.




My team and I are available to travel in USA and Europe.

We deliver in English, Spanish and Italian.

Center for Spiritual Research and its applications


ITALIANO/ENGLISH: e-mail: SKusada2010@gmail.com

ESPANOL/ENGLISH: e-mail: dianaclass8@yahoo.com
ITALY: Silvia Kusada/Maurice Pascal


Silvia Kusada


Class VI (SHSBC), Class IV C/S and OT 7+.


  • November 2011
    M T W T F S S
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