Give me your soul, I will give you power…


“I promise to obey, I promise to never look in the internet, I promise to never doubt your word, I promise to disconnect and attack anyone that doubts or challenge your power and/or your decisions… But please!! Do not take away from me my only chance to go free!!”


There is a point where people get so fixated into wanting to be free

that they literally give up freedom in order to ‘buy’ their freedom.

Many others confuse freedom with power.

They feel that if they have Power and are cause

over anything and anyone they are free.

But then, to be true, they have to believe that they are the only God

and everyone else is at total effect.


... I'm Cause!!

So you see people attesting the L’s or OT 7/8

and as “King of the Mountains”

go back home and make the best deal ever…

they just got tons of money and screwed up their fellow businessman, and feel great!!

I made it… they say!!


However, and this is what they overlook,

when you truly have power on a high harmonic…

you are the closer you can get to the simple ‘I’,

but nobody, included you would have attention on it.

At that level a being is literally

and naturally his dynamics.

He doesn’t have to think about  helping others

or that a deal, is only to be considered a great deal, where everybody wins!

He just does it.

When the Church of $ pumps up your ego and delivers, as products,

individuals that have sworn unconditional obedience in exchange of power,

people who, like them, use force to solve problems

as opposed to apply the magic of love and affinity (pure ARC),

that Church is actually creating a dark force of enslavement.

It is paving the road toward a dark age.


There is no freedom without true power.

What is true power?

True power is the highest ARC you can get.

It lives at 4.0 of the Chart of Human Evaluation and above

and it naturally has all the characteristic as described below.


Love, strong, outgoing.

Pass theta comm, contributes to it

Search for different viewpoints in order to broaden own reality.

Changes reality.

Own reality everywhere.

Dislike to control people.

High reasoning, volatile emotions.

High worth. Creative and constructive.

Bases ethics on reason.

Very high ethic level.

High concept of truth.

High courage level.

Inherent sense of responsibility on all dynamics.

Gains support by creative enthusiasm and vitality backed by reason.

Mechanism not necessary.”


From the Chart of human evaluation by L Ron Hubbard








Armando Comincini is Clear and a Class 4 auditor.

My name is Armando Comincini, I’m in Scientology more than 20 years, I’m Clear.

I have studied all the Administrative and Technical Courses available at Brescia Org.

I’m a Class 4  and since years part of the OT Committee.

I have been at Flag several times.

Since few years I have decided to not “participate”

to the puzzling games as the Golden Age, the Basics, and the Ideal Orgs.

As an Auditor I still believing that there is only one game

that is worth to play by a Org,

and that is to create Auditors, Clears ed OTs.

I refused therefore to give my support

to the Org’s Real Estate Developements.

I have lots of admiration and respect for Ron

and his work and he will remain my guide in life.

My highest ARC o him,

and to anyone that follow Scientology without compromises.

Armando Comincini

Versione Italiana:






If you are still in the church as staff or as public

and you need help to get out,

if you just left and you need help,

please call or write to:


Silvia  Kusada  e-mail:


Aida Thomas: e-mail:


contact Aida Thomas in private.


Silvia Kusada


Class VI (SHSBC), Class IV C/S and OT 8.


The happy world of the INDEPENDENT

as free people!!








  1. Hi Silvia…it is amazing to see people give up their freedom to achieve “freedom”. A true OT is someone who can grant beingness, is pandetermined and can apply ‘What is Greatness’…

    Lots of love, keep on writing.

  2. Hi Silvia – I thought this was a particularly interesting and helpful post.

    Many thanks – keep up all your good work, my dear.

    Much love, Robin & Adrienne

  3. Great Silvia! Keep it coming. Welcome Armando!!!

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