An OT looks at life in the edless spaces of an incredible, beautiful night dotted with stars.


by Elisabet Hamre


Long time back I have searched for the true meaning of that concept in Solo session

and I did found something Which have blown me out but.

But it is a complex subject, since it needs communication by words.

Now that is very tricky. Since words means different to each being.

The true communications have no words.

Best example A CAT. She comes to you she purrs like mad, the little motor is running at full speed.

Her soft fur gives pleasure to you.

She said, i love you, I want to feel your warmth too,

can I sit on your lap and I want you to rub under my chin.

She asks you to give pleasure to her yet she gives back equally.

As you comply you move into her beautiful universe.

You forget everything You smile as your fingers fills the softness and her purr sounds even louder.

Communication in a very simple form, gives pleasure both ways.

Now that is true friendship.

Remember my Dear Fairy I have written to you what is a soul mate.

As one moves into different reality level because solo, many friends fall a way.

They senses the changes in you and they don’t trust that unknown.

They want to destroy that new thing and attack. [ the attacks can be very very heavy]

They want the old friend back.

But you have friends so many other friends who stand

by your side no matter what!!!

Your old spiritual friends stand by you unseen and cheering in silence

as they looking on and following your progress back into your old spiritual self the Infinite!!!!

Oh how they cheer, how they rejoice!!!

In celebration at your winning as you progress walking out of the muck of heavy agreements,

Close your eyes and open your Universe you will see the fire works

as the colours of the life force explode and lights up the universe!!!!

These friends who have been waiting so long for your return

They are the ones who hold you up when you stumble,

they are the one who are by your side and guard you as you take your first solo flight

in the endless spaces of the incredible beautiful star dotted indigo night.





If you are still in the church as staff or as public

and you need help to get out,

if you just left and you need help,

please call or write to:


Silvia  Kusada  e-mail:


Aida Thomas: e-mail:


contact Aida Thomas in private.


Silvia Kusada


Class VI (SHSBC), Class IV C/S and OT 8.


The happy world of the INDEPENDENT

as free people!!




1 Comment

  1. Hi Silvia. Few minutes back my door bell reng and a small boy outside asked for donation, school thing. Outside was still sunny, but my living room is on the north side so it is in the shade under wide roof lines. The whole room when stepping in would be in semi darkness. I invited the boy in till I get him the money. As he stepped in actualy stepped back and he said “WOW, you like it bright in here” than taken the step into the room and repeated “WOW it is bright in here. ” I measure my advencement by the reaction of beings like cats, dogs, birds, flowers etc… The little boy looked into my universe and seen nothing but light. Great acknowledgement. I am on the right track. Thanks Ron!!!!

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