I’m not a rebel, but I do stand up against suppression!!


I have been very often accused, since very young, to be a rebel,

but I wouldn’t say that to be true.

I was never attracted to people who fought for no real reasons

or in order to gain personal power.


I was drown instead to situations where injustice was rampant,

where abuses were at the order of the day

and lies were used to trap.




I do not know how many lifetimes I spent fighting against suppression

looking for truth and knowledge,

but that is what I do.

I love people smiles,

I enjoy seeing them happy…


No wonder I found myself with the Independents,

auditing the very people who the current Church of Fear

squashed, squeezed, milked, humiliated and abused for

at last telling them they were illegal Pcs.


The best weapon we have in our hands to fight suppression

is not to attack, it is not to create more antagonism

but to give people hope, to heal them

and to enable them

to help each other.

No one can take away what we know

and no one can stop us from sharing this treasure with others.

As long we are truthful, dedicated and

able to love we will win!


Introducing Gio’

to the Independents!!


Dear Silvia,

I’m writing you to share my success and also because it is my wish

that one day many other Scientologists will have similar wins.

I standardly went up condition and out of doubt



by doing all the required steps

and I can guarantee you that it has been like a real rundown.

I then went into the Org to explain to both the Chaplain and the DSA

the reasons which brought me to leave the Church.

I then declared to them my permanent status

of an Independent Scientologist.

You can image the rest……..

However during this process something very theta did happen.

I felt peace, strength and determination,

but the most important thing of all has been



my ability to communicate with high ARC.


I wanted to take responsibility for them, since I found their intention to be pure

and I considers them to be good people.

My wish is that in a near future they will wake up too

to what is really happening.

It is incredible how important it is to keep your integrity ‘in’.

I feel spiritually rejuvenated, happy and up-tone.

Therefore,  here I’m writing to thank you and all the independent team

for the wonderful job you guys are going in making the true data available.

This helped me to collect the data needed  to understand

and to get the correct answers

to the many questions I had during the last few years.

Today the Church of Scientology is dead,

but Scientology still alive,

the legacy LRH left us is not lost….




Huge ARC,





We are here to help!!

If you are still in the church as staff or as public

and you need help to get out,

if you just left and you need help,

please call or write to:


Silvia  Kusada  e-mail: SKusada2010@gmail.com


Aida Thomas: e-mail: dianaclass8@yahoo.com


contact Aida Thomas in private.


Silvia Kusada


Class VI (SHSBC), Class IV C/S and OT 8.




The happy world of the INDEPENDENT as free people!!





  1. Thanks, Silvia
    The quality of your recent posts has been excellent, my dear.
    Much love, Robin & Adrienne

    • I truly appreciate this coming from you!! It means a lot to me!!
      Big hug and love to all your family.

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  • December 2010
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