The search of the self

As I enter into the deepest unknown of the mindless trail, as the centennial tree revels themselves as thin sheets of paper, I’m sheading off ideas, rules and aspirations I imposed to myself on my way to freedom. Certainty, explanations, reasons they all blow in the wind as do leaves in a beautiful windy autumn day.

A big business has been made by mystics and manipulators around the subject of premonitions and omens… a brilliant way to control and limit freedom. A big business has been made by ourselves to give us an illusion of wisdom and spiritual or psychic power.

Believing in past lives was one of the many explanations I made mine; it did explain the love, the hate the longing for other worlds or times.

The perception of the future it was another, the so call “magic” goal of those who do not know yet they are infinite. But all and any explanations, reasons, judgments, observations about ourselves or others do, is making the game more solid giving the lead to the artificial intelligence we so proudly call ‘our mind’.

But, along the line, when for one reason or another you able to step down from the stage and seat among the audience, you realize this beautiful terrifying game call life is nothing that a brilliant play you have written prompted by the cheering voices of your ‘best-friends’; the minds.

You have written your play, and everyone scripts. Because you, me we are infinity.

What it appears in front of us is what we want, what we need to make us right and more able, during the incredible crazy path of making a god out of our main actor.

And so we say; “If Joe Blow (our character) can forecast the crash of a plane he has gained mystical or extra perceptional power. He is more close to be god and therefore to be powerful and free.”

I did fall for that many times. I have fallen for those type of things even harder during my time in the Cult of $cientology where, it seemed those ‘mystic’ or ‘extra sensorial’ abilities are wanted and appear to increase greatly. What in truth I found out few days ago is, those “abilities” are nothing but an increase in self-deception.

Castaneda too talks about omens. His followers, some of them, are terrified by what a little thing could mean or bring about. Omens have been a long way to control people, to give them false hopes and limitations.

However we do not need to go too far to be in contact with manipulation, dervishes, naguals, sorcerers or healers. We are doing this all by ourselves.

Imagine you walk in the street totally free, and then you see a theater and wondering why other beings enter, you enter too. You seat next to another and he tells you: “You see that actor? He is the best actor of the play he is mine…” and you, captivated, say to yourself: “I can be the best actor of the play.” And you decide Joe Blow is your guy and now, you do your best to transfer to him all your infinite power.

A character, however, cannot be infinite and so you start feeling you can actually fail.

The game becomes so challenging that now you feel you need to control Blow Joe closer and closer till you snap in and you are done.

No theater anymore, only the stage… And Boy! You are busy on that stage! You are busy winning the race, one day destroying everybody on your way the other feeling merciful and assisting the ones you knocked down on your first round. After a while though, the game is not fun anymore. Now, as Joe Blow, you feel there is an infinite in you but you also feel that is not true as Joe Blow has failed many times being just an imaginary character on the play.

Having lost your truth, you now living into a conflict: True you are infinite-true you have limitations; true you exist –true you don’t exist.

As you, you know you are infinite, but as Joe Blow disturbingly your magic fails. Magic indeed does not belong to the stage.

But when you have played and played till you had enough, having being Joe Blow for so long, thinking as Joe Blow you find yourself unable to leave the stage.

Why? You cannot leave the stage till part of you still playing the Joe Blow game. You have to undue all the lies, first.

Realize it! You don’t even remember who you really are. We have forgotten our true nature.

And so thinking as Joe Blow does, you start creating a bunch of trick to feel you can get to your way out still being Joe.

Here is one of our most hidden and powerful deception; omens, extra sensorial perception abilities…

I put a glass of wine on the table, if I knock this glass-out; perhaps Joe Blow knows that in next chapter of the play there will be an accident. And so, in our delusion to exit the stage and return to out infinite, we deceived ourselves into believing we are regaining our infinite by putting in front of us clues of what is going to happen next by our pre-written script.

Interesting isn’t it?

And so, yesterday talking to A., another powerful researcher, I said: “Those roses given to me by F., the flower bloomed for a whole month and yesterday it suddenly withered after our emotional break up. Have you ever seen a rose last on the steam for a whole month in its entire beauty? It sounded magic and it sounded even more magic that the day I interrupted my emotional contact with F those two roses, the flower, faded and died.

On a later instance in the moment F. was getting in a fight, someone somewhere else was telling me how he was attacked…. Now, anyone including me could think my perceptic power was increasing.

But at this time I wasn’t sure anymore and A. thankfully reminded me, we are the infinity and the creators of the games, even while being trapped.

OMG! I realized I been playing this game for ages… How you became a “free being” on the stage?

By creating the illusion you are a “free being”. You put a diamond behind a tree and then you forget you put it there,  to later on  find it just when Joe Blow is thinking of a diamond.

The infinite road to no-where.


The only way to stop playing Joe Blow, is to walk down the stage and walk out of the theater leaving the script inside.

Of course every single word I said in this article is a lie, is just a product of the AI or mind, but some of you goes beyond words and gets the jest of it.


What is love?


Love is freedom, is truth, is the timeless pure connection of two souls touching.


This is love and it is unconditional.

When it is anything less than that, loves becomes a trap, a selfish activity where someone seek, knowingly or not, to own another soul.

When it is anything less than that, love loses the freedom and turns into a chain. And so most people confuse love with a prison.

The latter stage is where you find most people, and that is the reason why the words LOVE has gained such a bad reputation. It is connected with fear, betrayal, pain. It is connceted with temporary joy of owning the attention or the body of another.

But pure love is freedom.

It does not ask you to change, at the contrary, it sets you free.

Free to discover who you really are, free to follow your deepseated dreams. Free to walk you path and to choose your ways wherever they might take you.

In unconditional love the ‘I’ (ego) has no voice nor power.



The 2 basic programs of this illusion; visual vs HTML

When we enter/are placed in this illusion we are given a mind, many minds in truth, and right there we are faced with our first choice:  going visual or continue to use the HTML (energy-coding vision)?

The very majority of us settles for visual vision offered by the mind(s) with its pictures, interpretations, taste, colors, and all the senses and emotions programmed to delineate and consolidate what we end up believing is us.


The dramatic feeling of been totally lost, is then partially relieved by the sensation of gaining a position in space which gives us some sort of delusional security.

The majority of people spend their whole life creating effects on others in the attempt of proving to themselves they are “alive”, they really “exist”.

I, too, choose the Vision-mode. Thought, for a while, Silvia was me. Struggled to fit in and, too, I was tricked, as the majority of fictitious, materialistic groups disguised as spiritual does, into believing being causative is equal to power.

Fortunately,  I always aimed toward truth, never really cared about power, about competing or challenging others… and I say fortunately, because your true intent is what guides you and lays the stones to your path.

I have always been quite perceptive, but it wasn’t of any help when dealing with psychopaths or psychotic organizations. They have a way to present themselves so as to match your perceptions and ideals. It is all a pretense, an exterior outfit but never the less good enough to cloud ones judgment.

It was only recently with regaining the ability to read energy (the HTML program), I realized what we see with the body eyes, what the mind offers us, is most of the time very different from what it truly is.

When you read a code you can see all the components, the element which constitute the appearance and the one who are prompting its action. A beautiful flower seen by the mind as such, will reveal its poisoning properties to whom is able to read its energy and codes.

I started to work on this. I was puzzled to see how, quite often, the beautiful, genuine smile, convincing words of someone, would ‘read’ on its energy formation as untrustworthy.

So many times I battled with the mind(s) “it cannot be possible” but at last, I became strong enough, to trust my new mode of vision.

The other day, reading a post by David St Lawrence, a man who I admire deeply for his constant help, on effectively enabling people to advance spiritually in freedom, I realized… ‘seeing’ is not something you develop with time but is something we have all along, something we surrender when we choose to let the mind “see” for us.

At the very moment we choose the body eyes as the primary-eyes, our
spiritual sight disappears in the background like a foggy undefined

When I read the energy is always spot on.
Again, where the ‘eyes’ of the mind see a beautiful person, event or
situation and the spiritual mind reading the energy, says exactly the opposite. I know the latter is the one to trust.

We entered a different plateau. Let’s keep in mind that, when you read a code, there can be a very early command which changes all the rest of the code and although the spiritual mind is way more accurate, by belonging to the material universe is still affected by its rules, lies and imperfection.

On the positive side, the reading of energy will give you a much broader vision, unlabeled, of the different flows. Please do realize that a this point there is no roads, mother, cat, sea, sky or any form as we have left the visual-mode.

All you see at this stage is the energy moving; no labels or judgments. And, if you make it close enough to the no-judgment, no-labeling zone, you have also gained a detachment from the mind and you are somewhat exterior to the whole material game of illusion with its duality.

As per the first graph below created and designed by David St Lawrence, the familiarization with the Spiritual world is a VERY necessary step. Only when it became a way of life, to you, to perceive and deal with other inorganic beings, your next door will unlock.

NOTE: All Inorganic beings, spirits, ghosts of a less dense, but still material (energy) form and the mind(s) itself belong to the game of illusion ordinarily called Reality.


Original Graph by David St Lawrence (above)


I modified the original graph by David St Lawrence to add another field and notes.

David St Lawrence Silvia version


For who of you is ready to make the necessary arrangements and to take the necessary steps to enter the spiritual world, I strongly advise to contact David St Lawrence…

He can give you the tools, to get to the door of Awareness.

Of course, there is no place for dilettantism, you are required to work hard and to bring out all the courage you can possibly can… You are the only one who can walk the path.

I think is worth it.





Imagine if you were brought in front a big screen and shown a picture of a gathering with hundreds of people.


Imagine if you were brought in front a big screen and shewn a picture of a gatherer with hundreds of people. Imagine you were told you were all this people and the place too.

Imagine you were told you were all this people and the place too.

Imagine if you were also convinced you were each one of this people individually and every time you were actually observing one of them you would assume their program (mind) and adding another mind to the general one it was given to you when you sat in front the screen.

Imagine yourself, now, leaded to believe you’re those people, trying to make them survive, feeling responsible for their future, for each individual future and well being.

Imagine yourself, not knowing is a projection and not knowing they are all one image, starting fights one against another to protect and support the different minds (program)… in truth fighting yourselves.


Imagine yourself feeling something is really wrong and trying to unsuccessfully escape from the screen as a single person… Unsuccessfully, as while you are desperately trying to escape as one, you are continuing your participation in the play with all the others.

Imagine yourself feeling something is really wrong and trying to unsuccessfully escape from the screen as a single person… Unsuccessfully, as while you are desperately trying to escape with one, you are continuing your participation in the play with all the others. But again, you do not know that anymore.

And so, you start focusing in campaigns to save the world, while part of you knows there is not such world and, frustrated and upset, is trying to destroy this screen… the very same world you are trying to save.

Some philosophers say we are one and we are responsible for everybody, we are everywhere while some other say we are a single being. From a mind prospective they both potentially right.

However, outside the “minds”there is no us, me, you or I in this projection.

There is a projection and the only way out, is not to play any part in the movie we see.”


In truth, if there is ever going to be a truth understandable or even perceivable and by a mind, there is no us, me or I in this projection. There is a projection and the only way out, at least from the “movie”, is not to play any part in the movie.”

6 years after leaving $cientology (The gradual awakening from lies and deception).

6 years after leaving $cientology
(The gradual awakening from lies and deception).

The first step toward
spiritual freedom is to walk
away from whom sells it
promising happiness, power
and success.

There is no home in a prison, but there are people who, like you, know where home is…

There is no home in a prison, but there are people who, like you, know where home is…

Three years ago a guy came to visit and touched my soul.


soul touch


I mistakenly assumed two souls when connected,

would be able to overcome anything in this physical-illusionary world.

What I did not know at that time was,

although people can momentarily awaken

fueled by the energy of someone spiritually powerful,

if they do not have enough personal energy,

they will fall right back asleep.


And so while the soul touching exist beyond time,

everything in this physical universe dies.

I woke up few months later married to an angry-capricious man

who was lacking any sense of integrity, loyalty and compassion.

I knew I was in the wrong dream,

yet, I would have stayed till dead to fulfill my promise of love.


He, instead, did me the favor to set me free.

The psychological torture I endured during this time was so deep

this body still undergoing extreme moments

of severe grief and depression

although life has made my last ‘human’ dream come true;

some months ago I met a man…

We had common spiritual interest and so I agree to meet him.

After few dates I realized what a human soul mate is.

“…In true mysticism there is no sacrifice of feeling. Mystical sensations are sensations of the same category as the sensation of love, only infinitely higher and more complex. Love “sex”, these are but a foretaste of mystical sensations. “ Ouspensky: A NEW MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE “Sex and Evolution” ------------ "Mistical sensations undoubtely and incontestably have a taste of sex... Of course all we know in life, only in love is there a taste of the mystical, a taste of ecstasy. Nothing else in our life brings us so near to the limit of human possibilities, beyond which begins the unknown. The Strange Life of PD Ouspensky by Colin Wilson

“…In true mysticism there is no sacrifice of feeling. Mystical sensations are sensations of the same category as the sensation of love, only infinitely higher and more complex. Love “sex”, these are but a foretaste of mystical sensations. “
Ouspensky: A NEW MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE “Sex and Evolution”
“Mystical sensations undoubtely and incontestably have a taste of sex… Of course all we know in life, only in love is there a taste of the mystical, a taste of ecstasy. Nothing else in our life brings us so near to the limit of human possibilities, beyond which begins the unknown.
The Strange Life of PD Ouspensky by Colin Wilson


During our spiritual meetings, where at closed eyes

I could perceive the different energies of the participants,

I noticed the energy of B. to be a whole with mine.

One of the most amazing experiences I had in this illusion.

There is no me or him in the energy view of this illusion,

although the analytical mind does an amazing work

on trying to separate and add impurities to this perfect flowing

toward full fusion of two drops of “oil” into one drop.


When recently I met his family,

I found myself experiencing the reunion of old souls (friends).





Although our “performances” on the stage of life

have been very different as far as backgrounds,

stage costumes and other appearances of matter, time and place,

the plot of our lives (energy type) have been extremely similar.


Ouspensky believes we are going to go through

the same events life after life,

with the only change in time, background and costumes.


My personal belief is ‘nothing here is real’,

although there is an awareness

which allows us to connect to other awarenessess.

This awareness is real up to the moment

we try to bring it to the level of a mind,

at which moment it becomes a lie.


That is the reason there cannot be a school

or a prearranged path.

Awareness cannot be thought or talked about.

It can only be perceived.


When you read a book, it is not the words that make the difference.

Is the fact that you, at that very moment,

are on a certain frequency to connect

with higher frequency thoughts floating aoround.

Concepts you are unable to perceive with the use of a mind.

That is the reason Sufis (Jesus too) communicated in parables.

They have a meaning for every level of frequency.


In fact as one get on higher frequencies

the meaning and truth once seen

changes completely and at times both turns into the very opposite,

till they get to a level above the ‘yin and the yang’, positive and negative

were with pure awareness we touch the no time- no space zone.

The book below, downloadable for free on te web,

is a very high level spiritual book.

It covers the business of the soul, in Scientology called ‘static’.

It might be a high gradient for many, but my advice is;

when you find something you perceive true

but you also realize you cannot fully grasp,

put it aside and find yourself a gradient.

…As soon as you rise to that understanding

you will bright up to it almost magically.

Ashtavakra The-Heart-of-Awareness



You can always write me at :

Why I choose not to use Scientology

Most people are desperately seeking to solve their problems…

they are ‘sitting’ on this sharp rock and after a while it hurts.

They want to find a better place to sit.

It could be viewed as a better job, a career,

feeling powerful, important, or happy.


With the technology of Scientology

(used without restraining freedom of thought and action)

I could actually make their dreams come true.

I could turn that painful rock into a comfortable chair.

I could make tons of money by doing that…but the truth is,

all I would be doing is helping a slave to be a happier slave.




They would be in the same exact prison blinded by an illusion of freedom.

In actuality I would be helping them to get rid of the only precious thing they have:

the desire to change.

Without that, they will never look for the door to exit the prison.

Not only, but the technology of Scientology as laid out and used today,

will bar anyone from any further awakening.

It will lead you to forget there is a door and even worse, a prison.


Since I’m not in the business of enslavement, nor I wish to contribute to it,

I decided a while ago to leave this apparently wonderful technology

to who has not be blessed with the gift of sight

and therefore does not know what is really doing.

For whoever wish to step behind the illusion of matter and time

Scientology could be use as a little gradient

to be abandoned as soon as you comfortable enough on the chair,

to be able to direct your attention and energy fully into looking for the exit door.

Arguing with the blind about which color is which will not lead anywhere.

Therefore people seriously walking toward truth 

need to walk their path alone, realizing that spiritual awareness

cannot be given, taught or explained.


  • May 2024
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